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Suggest a Cryptocurrency

Information on how you can suggest a new cryptocurrency you would like Tushpage to accept, and some of our criteria.

Open To Accepting New Cryptocurrencies

Although at the moment only New York Coin (NYC) and Bitcoin (BTC) are accepted at Tushpage, there are thousands of other cryptocurrencies out there, and it is possible we would be able to include some others.

While not the most widely traded or well known, we consider New York Coin to be one of the better cryptocurrencies due in part to its longevity and speed.

If you would like Tushpage to accept another cryptocurrency, you may start a conversation with 'admin' and let us know.

Things we look for in an acceptable cryptocurrency include but are not limited to:

There are a lot of cryptocurrencies and we certainly could not accept all of them. We chose New York Coin as our native currency because it is cheap and fast, and although Bitcoin is neither, it is the standard so we feel it is necessary to accept it, even thought it really isn't a practical "retail" currency.