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Information about how uses cryptocurrencies.


The internet is full of information about cryptocurrencies. If you need basic and general information about cryptocurrencies, you can start with this Wikipedia page.

New York Coin (NYC) and Bitcoin (BTC) can be used to purchase advertising on TUSH are points which are given to registered users free for free and can also be used to purchase adverting at the same rate as New York Coin (NYC) and other services, such as transferring or withdrawing your cryptocurrency.

Deposits and Withdrawals

With the free TUSH given for registering and returning to every day, you may never have to use real cryptocurrency to use this website. But if don't have enough TUSH to advertise or if you want to send cryptocurrency to other users, you may purchase any accepted cryptocurrency elsewhere and deposit it into your account.

When you deposit cryptocurrency into your account, you will be given an amount of TUSH equal to the current value (as shown in `today's values`) of the cryptocurrency you deposited. The value of TUSH is always equal to New York Coin. If you deposit 10,000 NYC, you will also receive 10,000 TUSH. Because Bitcoin's value is much higher than New York Coin, the amount of TUSH you will receive as a matching reward will be much higher.

You may withdraw your cryptocurrency. Please refer to the Fees & Rewards page to find out how much it will cost to withdraw. All withdraws are reviewed and executed manually and may take a few days to process.

It is not recommended to use for long term storage of your cryptocurrency.


TUSH is not a cryptocurrency, and is used only on Think of it as "loyalty points." After registering an account on, once you confirm an email address or mobile number, you will be awarded a certain amount of TUSH which more-or-less should be enough to purchase 10 advertisements. When you return to Tushpage each day, you will be awarded a smaller amount of TUSH which should allow you to more-or-less afford three advertisements every two days.

This is an attempt to limit the amount of ads people can post for free, in an effort to minimize the amount of spam that appears.

The value of TUSH is tied to the New York Coin (NYC) cryptocurrency and accepted at the same rate.

New York Coin (NYC)

New York Coin is a real cryptocurrency and has real value outside elsewhere. It can be purchased on a number of cryptocurrency exchanges, and it is possible to obtain relatively small amounts for free around the internet.

New York Coin was chosen as Tushpage's primary cryptocurrency for various reasons, including its speed and how inexpensive it is to transfer.

If you wish to purchase advertising worth more than the amount of TUSH you have, you can deposit New York Coin, and when you do, you will be given an equal amount of TUSH which can be used at the same rate.

There are a few online cryptocurrency exchanges where you can buy New York Coin, and there are a number of ways to obtain it for free.

For more information about New York Coin, visit the New York Coin Community Website.

Bitcoin (BTC)

Almost without a doubt, you have heard of Bitcoin, created in 2009 by an unknown person who goes by the name of Satoshi Nakamoto. It was the first cryptocurrency and continues to be the most well known, most widely held, and the standard by which all other cryptocurrencies are judged.

It can be purchased on any online cryptocurrency exchange, cryptocurrency ATMs, even through an app on your mobile phone perhaps.

Other Cryptocurrencies

At this time, New York Coin (NYC) and Bitcoin (BTC) are is the only cryptocurrencies accepted by There are thousands of cryptocurrencies, and for practical as well as technical reasons, we would not be able to accommodate all of them. If you would like Tushpage to accept another cryptocurrency, read the Suggest a Cryptocurrency page.

Values of Cryptocurrencies

On many pages, such as this one on the right hand side, you will notice Today's Values for the cryptocurrencies we accept. This is calculated daily using an average of recent price quotes obtained elsewhere. Sometimes the value we use on any given day may be more or less than the price for which they can be bought or sold.

Although only accepts cryptocurrency as payment, the amount required for specific services is tied to the American dollar. For example, To post an ad, it will cost about $0.10 of cryptocurrency, which is calculated daily. It may cost 3,000 TUSH or New York Coin to post an ad, while it might cost 0.000003 Bitcoin, assume the value of each is currently $0.10.

A little more information about Cryptocurrency Values and how it pertains to can be found here.


Note that no "private keys" are stored on this website or in its database. It may be possible to hack, but you won't anywhere find the private keys required to obtain cryptocurrencies held in wallets referred to on this website.